Friday, December 18, 2009

For Those Who Like To Fix, Improve, Or Invent...

Get the process started
Once you take the iniative to fill out a government or national patent application form including a simple description and claim of the part & function you have deemed as novel, you have earned the right to show your epiphany to anyone. A bonified patent application numbr will be returned to you. This number lasts for the remainder of your product whether or not it succeeds or is just amusing. How most have made it in the past Well even Thomas Edison had trouble selling the new fangled light bulb to anyone else, so he had to start his own company, & with unruined credit he started the Edison Electric Company. Even Thomas Edison first gained the capital & financing he needed from local banks & private financiors. Too many inventors often turn into a characature of a bad cartoon from a late friday matinee from a time gone by, screaming, 'It's all mine!' A skilled inventor will usually only make 5% of his own complete proprietory brainstorm. A successful product takes the involvement of research & development, engineers, manufacturing, advertising. There are also hoops to jump through along the way, that one may not have prepared for. The first question to ask yourself!Is this improvement or product of yours demanded by anyone else? Does anyone else desire to obtain or copy what you have derived as new? Once you have your patent application number, you may show your invention around to the public or to any private companies, via consenting acknowledgement for such analysis. Then you may decide if what you have, will actually become part of retail trade. A lot of products exist because they possess the capitol to keep them in the market place, even when sales are measured on a waning scale. The usual write-off for tax credit still exists if you spend enough money creating an unprofitable product. You may want to decide first though about proceeding with your invention only after you know others like it. There are many products in the existing market place & at local and mainstream stores wherein if you look at their existing patent number, it will only read, patent pending including a number. It takes a lot of money to complete a patent & proprietory claim of your invention. The reason for this is to be sure that your patent is demanded by others. Once you have your patent number all you need is success & the legal means to enforce that success via your patent number, to then rightfully keep what you have earned. There isn't anyone who really wants to own a patent for the sake of hanging it on a wall if it isn't being bought by the public at large. There are many though that will take your hard earned money reluctantly, or otherwise, to make you think you have something even though the public has not shown or revealed the same evidence of proven interest. Other means of proprietory protectionTrademarks are a simple way to show the uniqueness of anything you have invented. A trade mark application can be filled out in the same manner as a patent application. If you had all the money in the world overnight & were going to selll your product tomorrow, what would you call this wonderous invention? That's a good place to start in naming your product & then applying that name in a trademark form. Backing all this up for the future! From then on it's a question of getting the public to like what you have, find a way to multiply & manufacture your product, & then having the legal protection so that any profit from your success will be deposited in your bank account or other financial prerogative. Printed in the big bold letters displaying your name, that you were first thinking about when the light went on about how interesting this new discovery is! (c)Brent Alan Beck 2008